OK fellow gamers, it's time for the MMORPG blog roundup, where I scour the web for interesting blog content about games, so you don't have to! we start off with:
Tobold's Alganon contest.
Our friend Tobold from Tobold's mmorpg blog is having a contest whereby he is giving away beta keys to test out Alganon NDA before it drops on Oct. 31st. The rules seem to be pretty straightforward. You just gotta make sure you have your contest entry by Oct. 4 which is right around the corner so if you wanna try out the game, I suggest you get this done ASAP and grab yourself a beta key! Intinally I had asked Tobold to be a regular contributor to this blog, but he declined to do so, citing the fact some of his content on his blog is a bit esoteric. To prove we don't hold any ill feeligns, we are pimping out his contest here.
QJ.Net has a nice roundup this week about all the latest going on in MMORPG news, with a lead post explaining this weekend's upcoming Double XP event for City of Heroes, information on the second LOTRO expansion Seige of Mirkwood which is slated for the holiday season and detailed info on wow's 3.22 patch which is now live. Personally, I have never played CoH but I am sure that it's got great content because the comic books were really good.
Finally, episodes 4 sand 5 of the third season of the guild have been released. While I don't have time to go into full episode reviews at the moment, wow.com has posted good synopses of each, the latest dealing with Codex moving on from Tink's decision to join the rival guild. The highlight of course is the applicants vying for Tink's vacated spot. A priceless segment in the web's most engaging show which had me chuckling like a ninny for several minutes. You gotta watch!
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